Monday, April 30, 2012


Ph, Private

Today it is Queensday in the Netherlands. Together with a friend and my boyfriend we went to town. There were a lot of stages on which bands and deejays were performing. Orange is our national color, so most people were wearing something representing the Queen. We started with some pastries, visited the fleamarket, went to the park and ended our afternoon with kebab. Altogether a lovely day!

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Sunday, April 29, 2012


Ph, Private

Of course I had way to many pictures to share with you, because of my trip to Lisbon.
But finally I made a decision, soooo, what are you looking at?
1. Lisboa from above, plane view.
2. The high-street in Lisboa, ending with a square, complete with statue, at the sea.
3. Palm tree, with some sort of rastafarin fruits, haha.
4. Streetview and Indian curry served on a beautiful metal plate/cup.
5. Beautiful house, with tiled Maria-Jesus picture on the facade.
6. Random, the great environment of Lisboa.
7. Today's lunch with the Dutch Vogue, which lay on my doormat when I came home.
8. I went to the hardware store with the boyfriend. He needed something which has to do with cables, I needed some materials for DIY jewelry. So soon I will show you something new I made, (I'm still doubting what to make though..)

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Saturday, April 28, 2012


A Dutch brand to remember is the leather and luxury goods making NMBR NINE. I adore their great tote bags as seen above. I also love their leather trousers and tops. Since 2011 they produce garments for women as well as leather accessories (iPad sleeves, bags, shoes). You can buy their goods online at Bylotte, Zenggi and Yarn Unit.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Lisboa Day 4

Ph, Private

Some pictures of Lisbon from the last few days. Today we had our flight back to Holland, so I'm at home again. During the days I've spent in the capital of Portugal, I've seen a lot of beautiful places, buildings and a lot more. Despite the bad weather, we had a great time.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lisboa Day 3

Ph, Private

Leather Jacket: Dept | Floral bomber: H&M Trend | Lace top: Vintage | Denim: DIY | Shoes: Deena&Ozzy | Sunnies: random

Like I told you before, the weather was awful yesterday. So I wasn't able to make some outfit shots. Today I made some, but I'm wearing clothes you've already seen, although in a new setting (since I don't have palm trees at home, haha).
We went to Belém, a district of Lisbon. In the morning we've visited the Torre de Belém (tower of Belém) and the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (monastery). We also went to the National Archaeological museum and the nearby church. During the afternoon we did some shopping, bought two pairs of sandals, and had some drinks. Tomorrow we will be heading to the airport, to catch our flight back to the Netherlands.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lisboa Day 2

Museu Nacional do Traje 

Random shots,
Ph, private

Today the weather was really awful. It was raining cats and dogs all day long. We went to a couple of museums, to keep ourselves busy. At night we ate Indian food, which was really delicious. Tomorrow we are going to do some shopping and maybe exploring another part of Lisboa.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lisboa Day 1

Ph, Private

Leather Jacket: Dept | Silk top: Pepe Jeans | Skirt: Vintage | Socks: Asos | Shoes: Deena & Ozzy | Sunnies: vintage Mulberry

Today was my first actual day in Lisboa. We've walked and traveled around whole the city. Starting with a flea market: Feira da Ladra at Santa Clara. We've seen a lot of Lisbon's beautiful streets and buildings. Tomorrow we are going to visit museums and more culture stuff, since it is a National day in Portugal.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Outfit Denim Jacket

Ph, Private

Denim Jacket: DIY | Top: H&M Trend | Leather skirt: Vintage | Shoes: Vintage | Necklace: COS | Hat: Bijenkorf

This is the outfit I wore including my DIY denim jacket. You can see the 'how to do it yourself', the way I've done it, over here! This afternoon I arrived at Lisboa. After we dropped our luggage at the beautiful apartment we're staying at, we went to town and ate a lot of delicious food!

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