Sunday, April 29, 2012


Ph, Private

Of course I had way to many pictures to share with you, because of my trip to Lisbon.
But finally I made a decision, soooo, what are you looking at?
1. Lisboa from above, plane view.
2. The high-street in Lisboa, ending with a square, complete with statue, at the sea.
3. Palm tree, with some sort of rastafarin fruits, haha.
4. Streetview and Indian curry served on a beautiful metal plate/cup.
5. Beautiful house, with tiled Maria-Jesus picture on the facade.
6. Random, the great environment of Lisboa.
7. Today's lunch with the Dutch Vogue, which lay on my doormat when I came home.
8. I went to the hardware store with the boyfriend. He needed something which has to do with cables, I needed some materials for DIY jewelry. So soon I will show you something new I made, (I'm still doubting what to make though..)

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