Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lisboa Day 3

Ph, Private

Leather Jacket: Dept | Floral bomber: H&M Trend | Lace top: Vintage | Denim: DIY | Shoes: Deena&Ozzy | Sunnies: random

Like I told you before, the weather was awful yesterday. So I wasn't able to make some outfit shots. Today I made some, but I'm wearing clothes you've already seen, although in a new setting (since I don't have palm trees at home, haha).
We went to Belém, a district of Lisbon. In the morning we've visited the Torre de Belém (tower of Belém) and the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (monastery). We also went to the National Archaeological museum and the nearby church. During the afternoon we did some shopping, bought two pairs of sandals, and had some drinks. Tomorrow we will be heading to the airport, to catch our flight back to the Netherlands.

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