Sunday, December 29, 2013


What are you looking at?
1. Wrapping Christmas presents for Xmas at my boyfriends place. Love to wrap everything in different wrapping papers and use strings and ribbons to top it off.
2. Some of the presents I got at our place. A beautiful blanket, gift cards for both Hema and Dille & Kamille (Dutch shopping mall and an shop with beautiful living stuff), French Vogue and a box Merci chocolates. Mart gave me a Chanel eyeshadow and mascara, because he knew I was in need of a refill :)
3. Gifts I got at Marts place. This beautiful wooden slice of an oak tree, soap, apron and oven glove. We also got a restaurant gift card and a few bottles of beer and wine.
4 & 5. We went to Sonsbeek Park this morning, for a quick walk. I was wearing my amazing velvet headband I got at Bartinki.
6. The presents under our Christmas tree. My parents and brothers came over to eat dinner with us and Mart and I bought everyone some presents!

Can't believe 2013 is almost over. I'm busy preparing a recap of the outfits I wore this year. How was your year? xx


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