Monday, December 17, 2012

Sonsbeek Park

Ph, Private

Coat: Etoile Isabel Marant | Sweat: Won Hundred | Jeans: Acne | Booties: Supertrash | Scarf: Asos

Yeah, That's is Mart my boyfriend and usual photographer. I'm not sure why I'm pulling a face like that,  I'm probably totally delighted with our face contact ;). Sunday morning we went with Marts brother and sister to Sonsbeek park to shoot some photos for my Christmas presents. I decided to give my parents in law photo updates of their three children as a present, because the old ones are.. well, old haha.

I have two major exams this week so I still won't be really productive, but after Thursday my Christmas holidays start so I will have a lot of spare time. I'm going to hunt for blog inspiration, so feel free to leave you link in the comments below and I will check it out around next weekend.



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