Sunday, December 30, 2012


What are you looking at?
A photo overload. I have so much photos to share and since it's the last Weekly of this year so why not make it an extra large one. Well I'll tell you something about the photos.

1&2 Breakfast with an extensive range of meats, Christmas currant bread and fresh orange juice.
3. Beautiful Christmas tree with presents at my boyfriend his parents place.
4. Me with the garland on top of my head, decorating myself.
5. Wrapping presents.
6. The Christmas tree at my parents place.
7. This is were I was seated.
8. Appetizer was a shrimp cocktail with avocado and anchovy crumb. The entree was a fish trio, the side dish a duck salad. The main course consisted out stuffed venison, walnut puree and cranberry compote. Of course the main course was followed by a dessert, namely lemongrass ice cream with roasted sesame seeds.
9. Tableware.
10. Candles were lit everywhere in the room.

Well that's it! xx

Ph, Private


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