Sunday, February 10, 2013


Just four photos this week. Didn't made a lot of photos, because I haven't done anything special in the past days. Had to work some days and it was the first week of a new semester at the University so just some introductions and all the stuff. That actually made that I had some time on my hands and did some drawing this weekend, I haven't touched any pencil or marker since I graduated at Akademie Vogue two years ago. I'm not finished with the illustration yet, but I'll show it when I'm done with it. As you probably might know, I went to Akademie Vogue and followed some fashion and drawing courses. Those classes were absolutely fun and of course very informative. I totally love to make fashion illustration, but for some reason I never did anything after those classes. I hope to get back to drawing on a more regular base, well we'll see.

What are you looking at?
1. Todays brunch. Croissants made by Mart and some fresh mineola juice and coffee.
2. Pile of unread magazines from last week.
3. Me reading some articles for the uni, yep that's a milkmaidbraid on top of my head.
4. Todays breakfast, muesli with syrup.



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