Sunday, July 8, 2012


Ph, Private

What are you looking at?
1. The amazing view on our hiking trip to Lötschental, Switzerland.
2. The well deserved beer after a 12 kilometer walk with a 600 meters height difference to the Lötschenpass hütte. And after our drinks we, of course, had to walk the same distance back to our chalet.
3. Mart my boyfriend is mesmerized, like me, by the amazing nature.
4. The whole travel group, my boyfriend, his parents and his brother and sister with girl- and boyfriend.
5. I'm enjoying the snow that is still in place on such great heights.
6. The great Swiss architecture, you can find a lot of these buildings. Apparently these sheds are used for the drying of cereal-like products. They are built on poles to keep the snow and mice out.
7. The beautiful flora high up in the mountains. Love the vegetation, I didn't expect to find so many different flowers above the treeline.
8. The ring I used for one of the DIYs from last week. You can find the ring necklace I made here.

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