Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Outfit Dandelion

I'm really good in saying something at the exact moment the picture is taken, haha.

 Ph, Private

Denim Jacket: DIY | Silk blouse: Vintage | Leather skirt: Vintage | Belt: Vintage | Shoes: Asos

Together with the boyfriend I went to the hardware store again to buy some stuff. When we saw this quiet place, we threw our bikes against the wall and took some pictures. While taking the pictures, out of the corner of my eye I saw some dandelions and wanted a picture with them. Well it took me three dandelions, but in the end we captured some shots off me ruining those poor flowers. Since I had so many shots, I turned it into a .gif.

Again I'm wearing my beloved DIY denim jacket with a leather skirt, another one though. The combination of leather and denim is so perfect, at least in my opinion. I decided to go for a more feminine look this time.

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