Friday, June 22, 2012

DIY Bow Belt

Ph, Private

This is a really easy DIY, IF.. you have the right belt. I've had this idea since forever (see this post) and have been searching for a few months to find the perfect belt to do this with. The belt needs to be long enough to make two bows. I was lucky to find one with holes in it, so it was really easy to make measurements.

You'll need: Long thin belt, revolver plier (optional, to punch holes in leather), marker two nuts and one bolt.
1. Just try out some bow ties, start from one point and twist and turn till you think you have it.
2. Mark the places were the middle is, so were the bolt needs to punch through.
3. Make holes, enlarge holes, or if the holes are OK, do nothing.
4. Stab the bolt through the layered holes and confirm by putting the nuts in place. Use two nuts (one by one)  so it will stay at the right place even while wearing.
5. Wear it with flair (hope I did this part right)

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