Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tea Time

Ph, Private

Jacket: Humanoid | Tee: American Apparel | Nail polish: Koh

Sorry for the inside photos, but it has been raining cats and dogs the last few days. Except from a couple of sunny hours, when I was at University. So you have to do it with these shots. I wanted to show my new jacket, which is fabulous. I love the color and the material, it's a sort of stiff but still soft woven fabric. It has a boxy shape with at the back an elastic waistline (like a bomberjacket). I hope I'll soon be able to shoot some better photos wearing this jacket.

I didn't expect to drink tea during summer time, I like drinking tea when the temperatures are low. So I had the pleasure of drinking tea a few more days. I hope though that coming week will be to sunny to drink it, we shall see.

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