Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy New Hair

Ph, Private

Like I told you before, I was going to dye my hair. This is the result, a bleach dip with pastel tips.
I was inspired by all the pastel thing going on everywhere (seriously, open a magazine and you will find a fashion shoot about pastels in it). But I didn't want the 'regular' dip-dye with one or two colors. So I decided to put 4 colors in white hair.

The first step would be creating white tips, so, that's exactly how I begun. I tried to create a white dip dye with the La Riche Directions White Toner, but nothing happened. So I bought some highlight bleach hairdye and used it to lighten up my ends. Then I seperated my hair in different layers, with different strands within each layer and dyed those with the colors. But before I diluted the La Riche Directions colors by adding conditioner (maybe with a bit too much conditioner, but it's pastel, like I wanted).

After washing, Tadaaa, pastel hair.

Soo, what do you think?

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And the winner of the Maison Scotch Give-Away is: nr. 22 Senja! 
Of course I will personally contact you! I hope you will have lots of fun with those goodies!


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